Health, Safety and Environmental issues are now a top priority in today’s climate of regulation and compliance. Traditionally, print media and live training seminars were the main carriers of information for most companies. So why should companies include a corporate safety induction video in their training arsenal?

1. Standardization of Workplace Safety Training

Knowing that ALL your employees have been exposed to exactly the same training, is a giant step in the right direction, towards better standards and protection from frivolous litigation. No more cancelled induction sessions because of illness or scheduling conflicts. No more employees protesting that “we never had that bit in our training”. Significantly, outlying branches or factories who watch the company safety video receive the same information as the staff in the big city, every single time.

2. Cost-effectiveness

Does it really make sense to pay someone to do the same job over and over again, i.e. to shuttle a trainer or two around the country, giving presentations? You either have to teach training personnel in every town, or you have to bite the bullet with travel and accommodation costs, or expensive consultancy fees. Producing a customized corporate safety video, on the other hand, is a once-off cost, or at least, not more than once every couple of years. Clever scripting and editing can give you a safety video that can be regularly up-dated or added to every year, re-editing each time for less than a single month’s salary for one induction training manager.

3. Video killed the PowerPoint star

Old-style presentations are the stuff of nightmares for most people. By sticking to that format, you risk losing any chance of your employees retaining vital workplace safety information. And when it comes to HSE / SHE, it’s information that saves lives, limbs and legal fees. Of course, it’s entirely possible to produce a corporate video that is as boring as the worst kind of live presentation, but in general, it is far more engaging to watch other people demonstrating anything, than to hear about it secondhand.

4. The same safety induction DVD can be watched repeatedly

Been away on holiday? Been booked off sick for more than 2 weeks? Watch the safety video before you can sign in for work again. Is there a contractor that’s been off-site for months? Please watch the company induction DVD, sir. If you have your staff write tests on this kind of material, then they are able to take their own copy of the safety induction video home with them to study. If you require staff to watch a refresher, with a written test afterwards (as many companies do), then we suggest that you vary the questions on a regular basis. That protects both you and your employees and/or contractors from the temptation to toss off rote answers without comprehension, and gives you a base line data point from which to gauge employee understanding of – and commitment to – your regulations and policies.

5. Visual cues are most likely to be remembered

Very few people are happy readers these days, but absolutely everyone is conditioned to watch TV. If there’s a screen on in the bank or the Post Office, we can’t help watching. Video is the medium of the 21st century, and in combination with written material and other training opportunities, corporate video offers companies the greatest likelihood of having their vital messages transferred to staff.

SummerTime Productions produces safety induction videos (as well as other corporate video productions) for a wide range of blue-chip companies. Please visit, to find out how we can make your corporate training trouble-free and cost-effective.

Tanya Vandenberg has been writing professionally for over twenty years, co-owned one of South Africa’s top youth marketing companies for seven years, and is now a corporate video director at SummerTime Productions. Go to to see video clips of recent corporate video productions, and news of Tanya’s latest projects.

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